

Eyewitness News is reporting House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello andleaders of the Pawtucket Red Sox are planning a meeting "soon" to talk over the State House impasse over a proposed new ballpark in downtown Pawtucket. Pawtucket mayor Don Grebien's working on a meeting among members of the Pawtucket House delegation, the team and the Speaker. Governor Raimdono and the State Senate support the pitch, but Mattiello called the senate legislation "dead" in the house before even a hearing. Now, one member of Pawtucket's all democratic House delegation has turned on Grebien. State Rep David Coughlin, a Pawtucket Democrat said to be loyal to Mattiello, wrote a Pro-Jo op ed piece  condemning the project accusing ballpark backers of engaging in "hurrahs, huzzahs, balderdash and gobbledygook." My guess is Rep Coughlin's going to be as welcome as a porcupine at a hemophiliac picnic among his delegation now. What's my prediction? All sides will meet together and hammer out something the Speaker can live with and bring to the House for a vote...it'll passs...the Pawsox will stay and get their new ballpark...taxpayers minds will be eased and Mattiello comes out looking like the hero who saved the day....HUZZAH!

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