The New York Times on Saturday (March 10th) profiled a 53-year-old man who was so shook by Donald Trump  being elected president that he's refused to see, hear or read any news since the November 2016 election. Erik Hagerman, who lives alone on an Ohio pig farm he started up three years ago after giving up a high-powered tech career, calls his news blackout, "The Blockade." He only lets in information about the weather and local real estate listings, and allows himself to watch Cleveland Cavaliers games, but with the sound off, just in case an announcer should say something related to the news. Hagerman also demands that his family and friends honor The Blockade when they see him or talk to him, and listens to white noise through his headphones when he goes to get coffee every day so snippers of people's conversations can't get through. It's apparently working for him, because he told the Times, "I'm emotionally healthier than I've ever felt." But Hagerman also admitted to initial misgivings, saying, "The first several months of this thing, I didn’t feel all that great about it. It makes me a crappy citizen. It’s the ostrich head-in-the-sand approach to political outcomes you disagree with." 

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