Jimmy Kimmel and Sean Hannity have been going at each other ever since Jimmy made fun of Melania Trump on his show last Monday. Since then, Hannity and Kimmel have been going back and forth – both on their shows and on social media. Sean called Jimmy an a**clown.

Kimmel retorted by calling the Fox News host a whole a** circus. Sean also called Jimmy a pervert and used his “Man Show” past to back up his claims. In fact, Sean vowed on Saturday to keep the insults up until Jimmy apologized. 

After some particularly mean exchanges, Jimmy decided to take the high road by apologizing. In a lengthy Twitter post, he said that while he’d had fun, “the level of vitriol form all sides…does nothing for anyone and, in fact, is harmful to our country.” In addition, he apologized if he’d offended members of the gay community by using homosexual terms to refer to Hannity’s deference to Donald Trump.

On air feuds are often orchestrated to generate ratings...I've been around long enough to see it happen numerous times...but this isn't an ersatz's legit.

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