Allstate Insurance looked at insurance claims across the top 200 cities in the country to determine which cities have the safest drivers Brownsville, Texas tops the list, where drivers go on average 13.6-years between collisions, with the likelihood of a collision 26.3% less than the national average Baltimore, Maryland has the worst drivers, going only 3.8-years between claims 

We all may think we’re excellent drivers, but with the amount of accidents we see on the road, that’s obviously not true. In fact, drivers who hit the road this Labor Day weekend should beware since the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety claims the holiday is particularly deadly time to be on the road.

Of course, there are some cities were folks on the whole are better drivers than others. Allstate Insurance looked at claims across the top 200 cities in the country to determine which cities have the safest drivers, and Brownsville, Texas tops the list. In Brownsville, drivers go on average 13.6-years between collisions, with the likelihood of a collision 26.3% less than the national average

Top Ten Safest Driving Cities(average years between collisions)

Brownsville, Texas (13.6)Kansas City, Kansas (13.1)Boise, Idaho (12.2)Huntsville, Alabama (11.9)Madison, Wisconsin (11.8)Loredo, Texas (11.7)Midland, Texas (11.7)Cape Coral, Florida (11.6)Fort Collins, CO (11.6)McCallen, Texas (11.5)

As for the worst drivers, folks in Baltimore, Maryland earn that “honor,” going only 3.8-years between claims, with last year’s worst-driving city, Boston, Masschusetts, just behind them with 3.9-years between claims.

Little Rhody is the 8th most accident prone city.

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