NASA Renames Street To Honor Black Female Mathematicians

NASA’s “Hidden Figures” were honored with a book first, then a movie, and now they’re getting their own street outside the organization’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. “Hidden Figures Way” is now the official name of the 300 block of E Street SW to pay respect to the women who, according to NASA’s current administrator, “at the time were not celebrated.”

The novel “Hidden Figures” by Margot Lee Shetterly and the movie by the same name highlight the achievements of three African American women -Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson- who battled racial and gender discrimination and “were essential to the success of early spaceflight.”

“Naming this street Hidden Figures Way serves to remind us, and everyone who walks here, who comes to this building, of the standard that was set by these women,” explains Shetterly, “with their commitment to science and their embodiment of the values of equality, justice and humanity.”

Source:USA Today

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