Dem Presidential Hopefuls Scramble To Separate Themselves From Pack

Democratic presidential candidates are working hard to separate themselves from the pack. During their latest presidential debate in Atlanta last night, 10 Democrats were pressed about a wide range of issues.

Hot topics included climate change, Medicare-for-All and the possible impeachment of President Trump. Dems agreed that no one is above the law. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders insisted that Trump must be held accountable. Former VP Joe Biden said it is time to start bringing the American people together.But also:

  • South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg said his city may look small but argued that the usual way of doing business in Washington, DC is not working.
  • Sanders and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren defended their Medicare-for-All plans against criticism that the proposals would be too expensive. Biden said the best way to reform healthcare is to build on Obamacare.
  • Meantime, Biden called climate change the top "existential threat to humanity." Dems also agreed that abortion rights must be preserved.
  • Democrats ripped Trump's foreign policy. California Senator Kamala Harris said Trump "got punked" in negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. She argued that Trump is the greatest threat to U.S. national security.
  • New Jersey Senator Cory Booker argued that Trump's China policy is "not looking too good." Biden said Trump has "no idea what he is doing" in foreign policy.

But in the end? Senator Warren spoke the longest at last night's eventwith over 13 minutes. Mayor Buttigieg came in second with about 12 minutes of speaking time, slightly more than former Vice PresidentJoe Biden. BusinessmanAndrew Yangspoke the least during the two-hour debate, at just under seven minutes. The candidates will get a better crack next time – the next debate will knock the field down to six.

Source:NBC News

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