The Rev Richard Bucci of Sacred Heart Church in West Warwick is trying to back fill over controversial comments he made to NBC 10 comparing pedophilia to abortion. The outspoken Bucci made multiple rounds of headlines since he barred RI lawmakers who voted to codify abortion rights in the state from receiving Communion. Bucci also said in a letter they were also barred from acting as "witnesses to marriage, godparents, or lectors at weddings, funerals or any other church function. Then in an interview on NBC 10, Bucci said "we're not talking about any other moral issue where some may make a comparison between pedophilia and abortion. Well, pedophilia doesn't kill anyone, and this does." That infuriated any victims of clergy sexual abuse. SNAP, the Survivors Network said "a priest in Rhode Island used his bully pulpit to make ignorant and insensitive comments about clergy sexual abuse and now we're calling on Catholic officials in RI to publicly censure this cleric and denounce his remarks. Some went even further demanding The Catholic Diocese of Providence to remove him as pastor at Sacred Heart. In an attempt to back fill, Bucci says his statement was "imperfeclty said" claiming " I should have said in general, the child that's molested does not die physically, and I should have said, but some have." Even in the matters of the church, you can't shine horse manure.

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