Well, I guess now we know why Michael Bloomberg has spent over $400 million to bombard TV and social media because a live performance sure isn't his forte. Bloomberg qualified , and unfortunately decided to participate in Wednesday Democratic Prez debate in Las Vegas. Unfortunately for Bloomberg, what happened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas. To say his performance was stiff would be an insult to mannequins worldwide. Bloomberg's well earned reputation as a politician void of any degree of charisma and energy was on full display. Bloomberg's been surging in the polls thanks to his spending blitz and the others on the debate stage didn't waste any time going on the attack. Bloomberg was on the defense for just about everything including police practices in New York, his company's treatment of women and unreleased tax returns. Even though he HAD TO KNOW the other candidates were going to unload on him, he showed no ability to pivot and launch an agenda during his 13 minutes of face time, the least of all the candidates.Most political pundits have ripped his cringe worthy performance with President Trump tweeting out it was the worst debate performance he had ever witnessed. Bloomberg won't appear on a ballot until Super Tuesday. It'll be interesting see if his handlers can inject a little energy and personality into him moving forward. i don't know....you can't teach pigs to fly.....

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