COVID-19 UPDATE: Governor to Announce School Opening Plan Next Monday 8/31

Here is a summary of Governor Gina Raimondo's weekly press briefing about the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • State inspectors conducted more than 1,100 inspections at local businesses last week.
  • Employee and customer mask compliance remains around 95%.
  • Capacity restrictions are at 98% compliance.
  • 13% of restaurants and bars are still violating social distancing rules between customers, or between customers and bartenders.
  • Rhode Island is launching an Education Operations Center staffed by multiple state agencies including the National Guard, the Department of Health, and the Department of Education. The EdOC will assist districts in various aspects of reopening schools.
  • Governor Raimondo laid out the list of tasks being assigned to state education administrators, versus the local school districts. Among the duties being taken by the state are: COVID-19 testing and case tracing, operating guidance, and planning logistics and support.
  • On Monday 8/31, Governor Raimondo will address the state and announce the final plan for the opening of schools, which is currently scheduled for September 14th. Details will include which districts will be returning to in-person classes, distance learning, or a combination thereof.
  • Private schools which are ready and meet requirements may open before September 14th.
  • Rhode Islanders collecting unemployment assistance have been approved to receive additional $300 per week for three weeks. The RI Department of Labor and Training will disburse funds in the next few weeks.

graphics: RI Department of Health

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