Oversight Committee Concerned With Providence School Policies

The Rhode Island Senate Oversight Committee is scrutinizing several grading policies at the Providence School District that have recently come to everyone's attention.

Lawmakers on the committee concerned with a policy that converts failing grades into "incompletes" and another that prevents students from receiving lower than a 50 on a one-to-100 scale, even if a student skips their work.

The Rhode Island education commissioner and Providence school superintendent Javier Montañez said the district is looking into its grading policies.

Montañez was also grilled about a directive from the district to recruit students to summer school in order to boost standardized test proficiency, and to avoid students with attendance or behavior issues.

He called the memo, quote, "poorly-worded" and said Providence Public Schools has summer programs for every student.

(Photo Credit: John baibak, NewsradioRI)

Photo: John Baibak. WHYN News

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