Governor Signs Bill Protecting Domestic Violence Victims

A new bill to protect domestic violence victims in Rhode Island has been signed into law.

It prevents something known as "abusive litigation" filed by perpetrators of the crime.

State Senator Dawn Euer says abusers often file frivolous lawsuits just to get in the same room as their victim.

The law, which was signed by Governor Dan McKee after it was passed by the General Assembly in this year's session, allows judges to impose sanctions on the abuser and award monetary compensation to the other party.

“This law will make a huge difference in the lives of survivors like me,” said Heather, a member of Sisters Overcoming Abusive Relationships (SOAR) who asked to use only her first name to protect her identity. “We will have less fear and fewer nightmares about going to court. We will not be financially and emotionally devastated. What we have been experiencing is being recognized as harmful and now it can be stopped when it happens. This is one more step forward to freedom.”

(Photo by LUCA SOLA/AFP via Getty Images)

Photo: LUCA SOLA / AFP / Getty Images

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