When you think March Madness, you think the men's college basketball tourney, right? Well, there's more to the madness this year than just what's happening on the hardwoods. Let's start with the weather. Talk about coming in like a lion! So far March has brought THREE Noreasters our way, the last one bringing almost record breaking snow to some areas of the state. Then there's WALL STREET where daily volatility seems to bring triple digit swings from green to red. How about the Trump administration. In just 13 months in office, the administration's churn rate is 43% with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson finding out he was pink slipped on Twitter plus Congress facing yet ANOTHER government shutdown the end of the week of March 19th. Locally, the silly season's well underway with Republican rep and Gov candidate Patricia Morgan ALREADY airing TV ads a whopping 7 and a half months before the election dropping ash cans on incumbent Gina Raimondo and GOP primary opponent Allan Fung calling both "corrupt" among other things. March Madness...it extends for past the parquet.