Don't expect the Aaron Hernandez suicide saga to end anytime soon. It's got all the elements needed to keep the pot stirring for quite awhile. Three suicide notes left behind that the contents of remain unknown. A battle for whatever money will be left behind thanks to civil suits. What drove the former Patriot star tight end to take his own life, and of source, the salacious element of a fellow inmate who claims he and Hernandez had a very close relationship. One Boston reporter has gone as far as to suggest Hernandez and 22 year old Kyle Kennedy were lovers. It's confirmed one of those suicide notes left behind was for Kennedy and word is Hernandez planned to give him a fifty thousand dollar watch. Kennedy's attorney said his client informed him that at some time in the near future Kennedy will personally discuss the nature and extent of his relationship between him and Hernandez and that any discussion relating to that relationship will come directly from his mouth so there's no such confusion. Kennedy's serving time for armed robbery. My guess is "that time in the near future" will come when the highest bidder comes forward to pay for the contents of the suicide note and Kennedy's story. The SON OF SAM law prohibits criminals from profiting from the publicity of their crimes, often by selling their stories to publishers, but I'll guess there are plenty of ways around it.