Usually RI's CAPITOL TV is a borefest, but the other day it was must see TV. Rhode Islanders For Immigration Law Enforcement's Terry Gorman was testifying against a bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses when he suddenly stopped after he says three senators were laughing. When Gorman asked the senators what was so funny, he got a heated lecture from Steven Archambault who represents District 22, Smithfield, North Providence and Johnston. Archambault proceeded to dress down Gorman complete with finger waving in a show of arrogance captured by Capitol TV and later posted all over social media. Gorman's well known within the walls of the State House and he says he's seen senators talking on their cell phones and even eating while constituents are testifying, but this was WAY over the top. Archambault says he did reach out to Gorman to apologize for what he called a "bumpy ride" at the hearing. I wonder if Senator Archambault would have reached out to Mr. Gorman had his arrogant behavior NOT been captured and put on social media display.