The days of earning a paycheck at just one job are apparently over. A new poll by finds that 44-million people have a side hustle, a way to make extra income other than their full-time job. Not surprising, the most folks working the side hustle are Millennials, with 28% of them earning income outside of their job.
Overall, 86% of those who have a side hustle are working the gig at least monthly, with 36% earning at least $500 per month with it. Again, those 18 to 26 are the most likely to have a monthly side hustle (96%), although those 18 to 36 tend to earn less than older generations, with only 19% of them earning $500 a month, while 50% of older generations are bringing in that amount, and those 53 to 62 likely to make at least $1,000 a month.
As for what that side hustle money is helping with, 54% say they use it to pay expenses, although women are more likely to use their money sensibly than men, with 69% saying the use it for expenses rather than other things, while only 42% of men say the same.