Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza plans to install 10 "Giving Meters" in neighborhoods accross the city as part of an effort to help the homeless. The mayor proposed the program back in November but the city is just now getting around to implementing a process for donation stations. Elorza signed an executive order last year establishing something called the PVD Gives Commission to oversee the distribution of donations but nobody's been appointed to the 5 member panel yet because no payment system was created. The panel will be assembled soon. Giving meters have been set up in Atlanta, Miami, New Haven and Rapid City South Dakota. Will they be effective in Providence? I can't see how 10 parking meter size donation stations will generate enough money to put a dent in the homeless problem in the city. What I can see is vandals pulling a COOL HAND LUKE using a pipe cutter to saw off the heads on the stations. What the city needs to do is create a place to house the homeless and provide education  in return for doing work for the city. 

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