The total eclipse relentless hype surpassed that of most Super Bowls put together. The difference is, Mother Nature lived up to the push. Certainly not here, but those in the line of totality experienced something amazing. Watching and listening to veteran TV news reporters struggle for words to describe the event put the experience in perspective. It was a pleasant respite to hear gasps over something positive rather than over acts of terrorism. One CBS correspondent  covering things in South Carolina seconds before  the moment of totality  commented how strange it was to see people looking toward the sky rather than starring downward looking at their smartphones. Sure, it was hyped beyond belief, but if anyone can deliver...other than Tom Brady, of course, it's Mother Nature...and for those in the path of totality, she didn't disappoint. By the way, the next eclipse is in seven years and it looks as though Rhode Island could be in the path of stay tuned, and hang on to those glasses!

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