It’s no secret that these days most people don’t leave work at the office when they head home. A lot of workers feel like they are on call at all hours, and a new survey finds that they aren’t imagining things because most managers think that’s completely true. 

A new survey finds that 82.9% of supervisors say they would reach out to employees after hours, and what’s worse, 28.6% say they'd expect to hear back from their workers within a few hours. On a more positive note, 49% of supervisors say they wouldn’t expect an answer from an employee until the next day, with only 17% saying they wouldn’t even contact the employee until the next day. 

Not surprising, most managers (80%), reach out to employees after hours via email, with 42% calling them, and 25% either using social media or chat software.

And while you think such contact may be out of line, in most cases the supervisors aren’t really breaking any rules, because most companies don’t have rules about such after work contact. In fact, the survey finds that 88% of companies don’t have a policy on the issue in place, while 3% are actually working on drafting one.

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