Keep saying to yourself "it's less than two weeks...it's less than two weeks"....Believe it or not, Incumbent Gina Raimondo and her GOP challenger Allan Fung are actually RAMPING up their negative TV ads. Is that even possible? In her newest TV ad, Raimdondo blasts Fung on his leadership as mayor of Cranston while Fung's fresh TV ad targets Raimondo's handling of UHIP, the state's online benefits system. Fung's ad starts off with a voice over saying "The secret is out, Joe Trillo admitted his campaign will help Gina Raimondo. What would than mean for us? Four more years of Raimondo." then it swings into attacking Raimondo over UHIP. Coming down the stretch they want to make sure their opponent doesn't gain traction but Fung's problem is he doesn't have nearly as much money left as Raimondo especially after the Republican Governor's Association stop funding Pro-Fung tv ads last Friday. This puts Fung in a situation where he has to do more with less and that explains the two pronged attack with this ad...targeting Trillo at the start then piling on Raimondo. Pollster Joe Fleming expects TWICE as many political ads to air between now and election day with the majority of them being negative. Hopefully we all won't develop a nervous twitch between now and when we cast our vote.

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