The holiday season is bound to be filled with parties, and booze, and, of course...FOOD - and it’s  wreaking havoc on our waistlines. A new poll by Jenny Craig finds that more than half of Americans expect to gain weight over the holiday season, which can make a lot of folks a lot less merry.

Overall, 78% of Americans expect to gain five or more pounds from October through January, while another 36% will expect to gain ten or more pounds. Surprisingly, men are the ones more likely to expect to gain weight, with 71% of men predicting it, as opposed to 53% of women.

And while a lot of folks will be snapping photos over the holiday season, those extra pounds will cause a lot of people to find ways of avoiding those snapshots. In fact, 73% of men say they’ll avoid having their picture taken because of their weight gain, while 62% of women say the same.

All this weight gain could be why so many people make health-related resolutions in the New Year. The poll finds that more than half of people plan to make resolutions to improve their overall health, while one-third specifically say they plan to make a resolution to lose weight in the New Year. As for how they’ll do it, 52% of women and 42% of men have no clear plan in mind.

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