Longtime Providence Ward two rep Kevin Jackson is the latest Rhode Island politician to shed his pinstripes and don khakis. Jackson was sentenced to prison for 18 months for embezzling dough intended for a youth track organization and misusing funds. To make it worse, that youth track team was actually founded by Jackson. If it seems this story lingered...that's because it did. A Pro Jo editorial accused the A-G's office of moving with "excruciating slowness" keeping Jackson in public power. Then, Jackson refused to leave the council after his arrest keeping him in the spotlight as a poster child of official corruption. Voters finally tossed him out with a 92% landslide recall election as they warmed the hot lead and got the railroad ties ready if the recall failed. Jackson joins a LONG conga line of Rhody politicos with stains on their jacket...Buddy Cianci, Gordon Fox, John Celona, Patrick McDonald, Brian Sarault, Ray Gallison, Ed DiPrete, Leo Funky Cold Medina and Michael Traficante to name numerous FLIM FLAM MEN who proceeded him. We've certainly EARNED our ROUGES' ISLAND nicjname....the real question is can we EVER shake it?