Navy Creating UFO Reporting Guidelines Amid Surge in Pilots Seeing Them

The Navy is creating formalized guidelines for reporting unidentified flying objects -- UFOs -- as naval pilots have been seeing an increasing number of them, sometimes within military airspace. Senate Intelligence Committee staffer and former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Chris Mellon toldThe Washington Post, "Pilots are upset, and they're trying to help wake up a slumbering system." Mellon estimated that there are dozens of these sightings each year. Similarly, Joseph Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told thePost, "Since 2014, these intrusions have been happening on a regular basis. We want to get to the bottom of this. We need to determine who's doing it, where it's coming from and what their intent is. We need to try to find ways to prevent it from happening again." (Time)

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