Report: GOP Senators Admit Quid Pro Quo, Say Legal

While Republicans have joined President Trump in denying there was any quid pro quo in this summer’s infamous call with Ukraine’s president, a number of them are now changing their tune.

It seems some Republican senators are now admitting there was indeed a quid pro quo in the Ukraine scandal...but that it was totally legal. According to “The Hill,” a number of GOP senators are ready to go on record saying President Trump leveraged military aid with Ukraine's president – and that there’s nothing wrong with that.

It’s reported that they’ll also say Trump’s actions do not add up to impeachment. This comes as House investigators are set to question a handful of witnesses next week and possibly begin public hearings the week after.

  • That’s in stark contrast to the spin of a couple weeks ago.As you might recall, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney admitted the President engaged in a ‘quid pro quo’ scenario – and said “get over it.” Just 24 hours later, he denied ever saying such a thing.

  • For the record, The Emoluments Clause is in Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 8 of the Constitution – and decrees that federal officeholders are prohibited from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.

Source:The Hill

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