31 Rhode Island communities are voting whether to allow marijuana dispensaries. Photo: Getty Images
In addition to some hotly contested political races, Rhode Islanders are also voting on three statewide bond referenda. Question 1 would allow borrowing for $100 million in upgrades to URI's Narragansett Bay Campus. The campus is home to some of the nation's leading programs involving oceanography and ocean engineering. Question 2 allocates $250million in school building renovations and construction. Question 3 would provide approve the financing of $50 for environmental and recreational programs.
In 31 communities, Question 4 asks whether the town or city should allow marijuana dispensaries to operate within the community. The sale of pot soon becomes legal with legislation already passed by the General Assembly, but each community must pass ordinances allowing the sale of marijuana, which is still classified by the federal government as a dangerous drug.
Listen for the latest election news on NewsRadio 920 & 104.7FM, including results after polls close at 8pm on Tuesday night.
photo: Getty Images