More Young People Will Vote In Some State Elections

A new law is enacted in Rhode Island which will allow some 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections.

The legislation allows the 17-year-olds to head to the polls if they will be 18 by the time of the general election.

“Many young people in our communities are engaged and paying attention,” said Rep. Jennifer Boylan and Sen. Valarie Lawson of Barrington and East Providence who authored the measure.

“If they’ll be voting in the general election, they should have a say in who appears on the ballot. Participation among our youngest voters has historically been low, and this bill could help encourage them to get engaged and stay engaged in our democracy.”

According to Secretary of State Gregg M. Amore, the law will impact roughly 1,200 people each year.

Around the country, 19 other states and the District of Columbia have similar laws, including Maine, Vermont and Connecticut.

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