When a couple gets divorced, who gets the dog?
State Representative Charline Lima has penned a bill that would create procedures to decide who gets custody.
Lima says the problem now is that the pets are considered property and are often used for leverage during divorces.
“Pet custody legislation is being passed in many states at an escalating rate as pets are viewed as part of the family and laws are being passed to protect them from being used merely as property. Parties have spent thousands of dollars in contesting pet custody rulings mainly because there are no laws setting forth criteria to be used in awarding custody. My legislation changes that in Rhode Island. This bill is long overdue and I am happy that Rhode Island, once again, is at the forefront of animal welfare legislation,” said Representative Lima (D-Dist. 14, Cranston, Providence).
The bill would direct the courts to consider who originally owned the animal to determine who gets final custody.
(Photo by Abhishek Chinnappa/Getty Images)
Photo: Abhishek Chinnappa / Getty Images News / Getty Images