AG Neronha: Bump Stock Ban In State Stands Despite SCOTUS Ruling

The State Attorney General Peter Neronha says that regardless of what the US Supreme Court has said, the Rhode Island Gun Ban on bump stocks continues.

Neronhs says state laws are in place that ban the sale and use of stocks which allow for a gun to be fully automatic.

“It has always been my belief that common sense gun regulation keeps Rhode Islanders safe and secure. Since I’ve been Attorney General, I’ve fought hard for necessary reforms to our gun laws, including bans on large capacity magazines, straw purchasing, and ghost guns, and most recently, a law that requires safe storage of firearms when not in use. And my office has successfully defended several important gun safety measures.

“Notwithstanding today’s decision, Rhode Island has a state law in place that prohibits specific devices that modify a firearm to allow fully automatic rates of fire – so bump stocks have been and remain banned in our state. Because today’s Supreme Court decision affects only federal regulatory authority regarding bump stocks, our Rhode Island bump stock ban can and will continue to be enforced.

“My office’s approach to dangerous, illegal firearms remains clear: we will use every tool at our disposal to rid Rhode Island of the perils of gun violence, and we will continue to fight for common sense gun laws that protect innocent people from harm.”

Neronha says they are using all parts of state law to keep the people of the state safe.

(Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)

Semi-Automatic Rifles Equipped With Bump Stocks Used At Gun Range

Photo: George Frey / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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